Woman Arrested For Threatening To Hold Broadband Repair Guy Hostage

September 12, 2008

in The Blog

That’s a really funny story coming from Canada. A frustrated customer requested the broadband technician to be present in her house while the repair was being carried on on another site, or else she would hold him hostage!

The technician took the “threat” literally and filed charges! I’ve read it at TechDirt.

Now, be honest; don’t tell me you’ve never thought about that when you are troubleshooting your broadband with an operator’s technical staff? After long waiting on the line, or explaining to a bunch of different people your problem (that is if you don’t get disconnected otherwise you’d have to repeat it from the beginning), the first time they tell you “Ok, I understand, we’ll fix it” or “I see the problem, I will notify our technical team to get right to it” you feel relieved and optimistic. That’s just until you realize (very often – not always) the problem is not fixed and you have to put yourself through the same process again (and some times again and again)!

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