From the monthly archives:

September 2009

I was thinking of a way to celebrate One Web Day. A couple suggestions for a collaborative activity failed thunderously (lack of time and bad schedule), so I decided to go after a friend’s suggestion to put together a short note arguing why a government (in our case the Greek government) should invest/fund in FTTH [...]


A few days ago the Observatory for Information Society in Greece released its mid-2009 report on broadband. For those not familiar with this publication, it is a biannual report on broadband developments in the country.
According to the report, Greece had, the 1st of July, 15,63 % broadband penetration (connections/100 inhabitants), which in absolute figures means [...]


ADSL Outpaced by a Pigeon

September 9, 2009

in AOB, The Blog

Homing pigeon Winston has made history by beating a Telkom ADSL line in delivering 4GB of data from Howick to Hillcrest, outside Durban in far less time than it takes to download the data using the state-run Telkom’s data network.
It took Winston 2 hours 6 minutes and 57 seconds, whereas the ADSL download was still [...]