Back from the Hague

October 13, 2011

in The Blog

The Broadband Netherlands 2011 conference was very interesting to me. One reason was because probably the entire Dutch telecommunications market was represented in the audience which gave me the opportunity to grasp what is happening in the fiber market in the Netherlands. The Dutch have already three competing platforms underground, cable, DSL and FTTH and the layer 1 and layer 2 markets are full with options for retail service providers. But still, fiber penetration grows slow and the next big thing for everyone is to solve the penetration riddle which could translate in to higher subscriptions and revenues. A tough nut to crack.

The second reason I liked my stay in the Netherlands is because I found out more about two new and excellent fiber projects. Gary Mesch, CEO of CityFibre Holdings (CFH), presented CFH’s plan to create an innovative FTTH wholesale service by leveraging on the network footprint of the bankrupt i3 and H2O. I saw also the ‘infamous’ Lindsey Annison presenting passionately the business case of B4RN (Broadband for the Rural North), an ultra-rural broadband project.

Overall, Telecompaper brought a splendid event (thanks for the gifts guys!) and have put together a great audience.

Related posts:

  1. Speaking at Broadband NL 2011
  2. Berkman Center Study: Open Access Rules, Greece Ranks Under Average
  3. National Broadband Networks: Break off on L1 or L2?
  4. 8 EU Member States ahead of the US in broadband deployment says Commission’s Telecoms Report
  5. Rural Carriers: Serve the Underserved?

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